President’s Message July/August 2020

President’s Message July/August 2020

Dear Members,

As our fiscal year 2019/2020 comes to a close, I would like to wish all of you a healthy year ahead. It has been an interesting year to say the least ending with Covid-19. As we look forward to the summer, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Club is not closed and there will be ongoing Zoom lectures from various Activity Leaders, so please be sure to keep checking the website. As we head into July, the Government is starting to ease the lockdown orders and the gathering of larger groups outside and the restaurants and cinemas are finally opening. This will allow the Club to offer more diverse activities along with the possibility of getting together physically (while maintaining social distancing) and being social, which is what KCWC is all about!
The launch of our new website is now planned for July 10, 2020 after training with our Activity Leaders led to insightful suggestions web.com thought wise to incorporate. Please note our new KCWC logo helping us to update our image and better convey our brand as the premier International Women’s Club in London. We are so excited to have you soon experience the ease of registration and ticket purchase for activities, not to mention the improvement of the visual layout of the site giving us much more flexibility to showcase our many offerings. I urge you to visit https://kcwc.websitelivepreview.co.uk after July 10 and welcome its invitation to create a new password as you sign in. 
This is my last eNews as President and I hand the reins over to Mary Narvell as the new President. Mary will do an amazing job with the Club and I am sure will take it to the next level. I will still be on the Board in the background supporting Mary as VP. 
I would like to take a moment to thank all of my fellow Board members with whom I have worked over the last two years as President. I remain so impressed and above all grateful for their hard work and diligence as volunteers to move the Club forward. The level of professionalism you have restored to the Club and the excellence you have achieved during unprecedented turbulent times have so benefited KCWC and our membership. 
Thank you to all of the Activity Leaders who have stepped up to the plate and broadened their abilities technically to create Zoom lectures and keep in touch with our members when we were unable to get together in a social environment. These include the online cooking classes with top name chefs teaching us some of their secrets and others who have helped us to build up our immune systems through food while in this pandemic. We have enjoyed the most amazing virtual walks and lectures about London from guides Tim Potter and Rachel Kolsky. All the while not only did KCWC members benefit, but so too did the NHS charities alongside others chosen by our membership. Book Group meetings, virtual drinks parties, and Antiques & Design lectures with Anne Haworth of the V&A are among the many events KCWC has offered since March. We have been able to keep in touch with our members from around the globe while holding events here in London. Even if we could not be together, we could see each other and say hello and share different experiences while under lockdown. You are all amazing!
Lastly, thank you to all of our members for your continued support of this wonderful Club of ours. The confidence you have shown during the Covid-19 crisis by renewing your membership has been more encouraging than you may realise. To know you believe in the Club – and the tireless efforts of its volunteers –  help to make all the work we do worthwhile. And if your membership is soon up for renewal, please stay with us! Our Programmes Team for next season will go out of their way to engage and inform you. Our Activity Leaders are not cowed by Covid-19 but still at work finding inventive ways that we can remain together. Please support their efforts with your confidence in KCWC. For all the times that the Club has been there for you, consider being there now for KCWC. Please stay safe and healthy and enjoy a great summer season. I hope to see everyone in the fall at a meeting or KCWC activity.

Theresa Klassen
President KCWC

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